Mailchimp Integration

Connect your Mailchimp account to your member list and stay connected to your members! 

About the Integration

  • The integration adds users to groups that are segmented by membership types. 
  • The member's group will be automatically updated any time their membership changes and new members will be automatically added to Mailchimp.
    • Benefits of using groups:
      1. Groups keep your members better synced than tags did. 
      2. This feature also allows you to better control what info is sent to which membership type by creating ‘conditional blocks’ in your emails. This means you can change the content of a specific email depending on what group that individual is in.
  • Disconnecting the integration will not delete contacts from Mailchimp (must be archived or deleted in Mailchimp).

Connect Your Mailchimp Account

From the dashboard, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Mailchimp tab.

  • Mailchimp: An email marketing platform that allows you to easily target and email members.
    • When your Mailchimp account is connected to Proximity, your new members’ emails will go into your Mailchimp account and on the list you have selected and each member will be tagged as their membership. This updates as your members' memberships change.


  1. Verify the list that is connected to Proximity in the Manage portal is the same one that they are accessing on
  2. Check if other users have gotten through or if it is limited to these users.
  3. Check if the users entered a valid email (sometimes Mailchimp will reject what it thinks are invalid emails).
  4. You can safely disconnect and reconnect the integration to resync everyone. If you are still seeing issues, the users could have been permanently deleted in which case Mailchimp would not allow them to be added back to the same list, so you can create a new list to sync to. If none of that works, there could be an issue and we can take a closer look for you.
  5. You can also try to make a new list. You would have to create a new “Audience” in Mailchimp and then in our software visit Settings > Services, then select the new audience/list, and save.

If you have automations using tags that need to be updated to use groups:

If you have automations or segments that utilize Mailchimp tags to target members with certain membership types, you will need to update those to use Mailchimp’s Groups feature—specifically the Proximity Membership group.

To change an automation, edit the automation, find the starting point, and click the three dots to the right of the starting point. In the dialog that pops up, click “Change starting point” near the top. Select contact activity from the sidebar and click “Joins audience group” as the trigger. From there you may select the audience that you want.

To edit your segments, view your audience. Under the “Manage contacts” menu, select “Segments”. Find the segment that you wish to edit, and click the edit button on the right. From there you can remove the tag selection and change it to the Proximity Membership group.