Reservations & Resources
7 articles
Billing for Recurring Reservations
Recurring Reservations that start in the current month You will be charged for any recurring reservations that begin in the current month at the time of making your reservation. Any free time remaining in the current month will be applied to each occurrence until the free time is runs out. At this time, Team Reservation Budgets cannot be used for Recurring Reservations. However, Team members can still make Recurring Reservations, but they will need to…
How do I make a reservation further than 365 days out?
So here’s what needs to be done to be able to book more than 365 days out: 1. The member booking needs to have manager privileges. 2. The member also needs to have a membership type that allows booking more than 365 days out. 3. The resource needs to allow bookings more than 365 days out.
How do I hide the details of a calendar booking from the public?
Privacy for bookings can be set on each individual Reservable Resource. Navigate to Manager Reservations > Reservable Resources. Click on the Resource. Scroll to the Private Meetings Section and select Optional or Mandatory. To allow members to choose whether their booking is private, select Optional. To force all meetings to be private, select Mandatory. Keep in mind that space managers and owners will still be able to see the details of the booking.
Resource Categories
Use this setting to group your Reservable Resources into categories like Conference Rooms, Event Space, or sort the resources by floor or area. By grouping your resources into categories, you can also give your members a pool of free time to be shared across the category instead of giving free time per resource. Create New Resource Category From the dashboard, navigate to Manage Reservations > Categories > New Resource Category . Title : Example: Conference…
Enabling Recurring Reservations
Are recurring reservations on by default? No, recurring reservations are not enabled by default. Spaces that wish to offer this feature to their members will need to adjust their resource settings and/or Membership parameters to allow recurring reservations to be created. Note: The Max Days Out does not apply to Recurring Reservations. Recurring Reservations are indefinite unless indicated by the member when creating the reservation. Enabling recurring reservation for the entire Resource In the…
Canceling Recurring Reservations
Can I cancel just one of my recurring reservations? Yes, you can. View your upcoming reservations and choose the recurring reservation you want to manage. Select the occurrence of your recurring reservation that you wish to cancel and choose the option to Cancel this occurrence only. How do I cancel all future occurrences of my recurring reservation? From your upcoming reservations and choose the recurring reservation you want to manage. Select the occurrence you want…
Blackout Dates for Reservable Resources
Blackout Dates for Reservable Resources To set up a blackout date for your reservable resource, navigate to your resource list and hover over the ••• to the right of the resource. Choose Blackouts. Select the days of the week you would like to block, and optionally set a start and/or end date. To block an entire range of dates, set a start and end time and block all days of the week.