History for "Canceling Recurring Reservations"
Updated by Unknown, Mar 30, 2020 at 2:46pm
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Updated by Ciera Colson, Feb 11, 2020 at 5:28pm
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Updated by Ciera Colson, Feb 11, 2020 at 3:33pm
Can I cancel just one of my recurring reservations?
Yes, you can. View your upcoming reservations and choose the recurring reservation you want to manage. Select the occurrence of your recurring reservation that you wish to cancel and choose the option to Cancel this occurrence only.
How do I cancel all future occurrences of my recurring reservation?
From your upcoming reservations and choose the recurring reservation you want to manage. Select the occurrence you want to cancel and choose the option Cancel all future occurrences. This will cancel this occurrence and all future occurrences of your recurring reservation.
Am I automatically refunded when cancelling my recurring reservation?
Reservations that are paid for by the member are not automatically refunded and it will be up to the Space manager/owner to refund any cancelled recurring reservations that have already been billed, if applicable, per their space's policy.
Reservations that have deducted monthly free time from the member's account, will be returned back to the customer if the reservation is canceled before the occurrence.
Updated by Tim Brown, Feb 10, 2020 at 9:25am
Can I cancel just one of my recurring reservations?
Canceling RecurringYes, you can. View your upcoming reservations and choose the recurring reservation you want to manage. Select the occurrence of your recurring reservation that you wish to cancel and choose the option to Cancel this occurrence only.How do I cancel all future occurrences of my recurring reservation?
From your upcoming reservations and choose the recurring reservation you want to manage. Select the occurrence you want to cancel and choose the option Cancel all future occurrences. This will cancel this occurrence and all future occurrences of your recurring reservation.
Am I automatically refunded when cancelling my recurring reservation?
Reservations are not automatically refunded and it will be up to the Space manager/owner to refund any cancelled recurring reservations that have already been billed, if applicable, per their space's policy.
Created by Tim Brown, Feb 07, 2020 at 3:24pm