How to Fill Out the Member Import Spreadsheet

This document applies to: Coworking & Workplace

The member import spreadsheet allows for current members to be moved over to the Proximity platform without having them register for an account.  The space owner/manager fills out the member import spreadsheet provided by Proximity, and the Proximity team will import the members once the spreadsheet is filled out properly.  Members who are imported will receive the New Membership email (under Settings > Email) upon import, which provides instructions for getting logged in, filling out their member profile, downloading the app, and adding their payment sources.  In some cases, a Stripe transfer is also available, and members will not need to add their payment source.

Download Import Spreadsheet Template

Filling out the Member Import Spreadsheet:

Double-check everything on the spreadsheet. Confirm that:

  • There is only one person per email.
  • There are no duplicate emails. (Sorting the columns A to Z makes this easier.)
  • Memberships, add-ons, and discount codes are congruent with those that are in the software for your space.
  • The Parent Membership email is for Shared Memberships only. Additional members of the shared membership should include the email of the member who is paying for that membership in the 'parent membership' column. The person who is paying for the membership does *not* need their own email in the parent membership email column (it can be left blank).
  • The Joined date has to be a date prior to the import.
  • The Billing date has to be a date after the import. (If a Stripe transfer will not be taking place, it can be a good idea to make the billing date several days after the import to allow members time to add a payment source.)
  • All members must be designated as Active status, including Community Members.
  • Additional columns are available if you want to import any Custom Info for your members.

Additional Info About Shared Memberships

If you are importing members that have a shared membership, make sure the membership assigned to them on the spreadsheet is set up correctly as a shared membership in the software and indicates how many members are sharing that membership.  It is okay to create a shared membership to include more members than you are importing but not less.  For example, if the shared membership is set up to include a total of 5 members, importing 4 members on the spreadsheet would be fine, but importing 6 members on the spreadsheet would not work.