Does my member automatically receive a refund when cancelling a reservation?

This document applies to: Coworking & Workplace

When a member cancels their reservation they do not automatically receive a Refund or Credit. You will be notified of the cancellation via email, and you can choose to Refund the invoice manually if you'd like, or provide a Credit. Learn More on Issuing Refund/Credit

When a member cancels their reservation that was booked with Free Time before the reservation begins, their Free Time will be returned to the month in which it was booked in (not the month the reservation occurs). If the month the reservation was booked has lapsed, then no Free Time will be returned as they do not roll over.

Example:  The current date is April 10th. If the Reservation was created between April 1st and now... it will get returned. If it was created in March and used March's Free Time, Free Time will not returned because that Free Time allotment isn't available anymore since it reset in April.

If the reservation has already begun, they will not have their free time returned to them. Learn More on Free Time