All About Team

This document applies to: Coworking

Team is here to give you a purpose-built solution to keep track of small businesses, groups, and of course, teams!

What is a Team?

A Team is a group of individual members whose billing and memberships are managed by a Team Admin. Teams can share a pool of Punch Passes, have individual memberships per member, share a resource reservation budget at multiple spaces, and more!

How does billing work for Team? 

Team admins are responsible for all billing for their team, no more 100% discounts or splitting membership prices up to bill a group of members!

Only the Team Admin gets invoiced for their Team. These invoices are created just like individual invoices, on initial Team purchase and their billing cycle date. 

All Team invoices are automatically prorated to the 1st of the month. A Team's billing cycle date will always be the 1st of the month.

What makes a Team Member different from a standard space member?

Team Members are completely managed by their Team Admin. When navigating to a Team Member's account you will notice that some fields are no longer editable. 

These fields are controlled by the Team admin or are features that aren't available for a Team. For instance, you cannot change a Team Member's billing cycle date because Teams are always billed on the 1st of the month. 

Team Members also do not get billed for their membership, punches used, or for their paid reservation time, which gets invoiced directly to the Team Admin.

Team members with a valid payment source can still purchase additional reservation time, after their membership free time and Team Budget have run out. They will be billed for reserving the resource with whatever payment source they have on file.

What else is new with Teams?

Now spaces have the ability to pass along volume discounts on memberships to teams. You'll notice that option is now under your Membership page. Under the Pricing field, click the + button to add a pricing tier. 

For more in-depth information, check out:

Team for Space Managers

Team for Admins

Team for Team Members (this article is public and sharable with members of your space)