
4 articles

  • How to Purchase Punches Once for a Team

    We currently have a workaround for a team to purchase punches one time instead of being locked into buying them monthly. These are the steps to follow to make sure the punches are purchased correctly and not prorated. Create a team without  punches (Don't add them and then remove them - you'll have to start over with a new team!) Activate the team by completing all of the steps and choosing "Invite + Finish" on…

  • All About Team

    Team is here to give you a purpose-built solution to keep track of small businesses, groups, and of course, teams! What is a Team? A Team is a group of individual members whose billing and memberships are managed by a Team Admin. Teams can share a pool of Punch Passes, have individual memberships per member, share a resource reservation budget at multiple spaces, and more! How does billing work for Team?  Team admins are responsible…

  • Team for Space Managers

    Do you manage teams with multiple membership types? Proximity Team is a great solution for managing this scenario!  Team Admins/Maintainers and Space Managers:  Teams can be created by space managers or a Team Admin/Maintainer. If you are a space owner or manager helping to  set up a Team for someone else at your space, you can transfer ownership at any time. If a Team admin already created a Team and needs some extra assistance, you…

  • Can I add an Add-On to a Team membership?

    Add-ons cannot be chosen directly in the Team interface. Space Managers can add recurring Add-Ons to any team member and the system will bill the team for the add-ons. This will allow space managers to add add-ons to individual team members' accounts which means the team can have multiple recurring add-ons. Note: Since team billing is monthly, if an add-on is added in the middle of a billing cycle,  they will be billed for the…