What does each Status mean?
This document applies to: Coworking & Workplace
Proximity offers the following Status options for Membership/User Group Types:
Active - this is the most used Status and forces action on the Renewal Date
Pending Cancellation - this chooses a future Cancellation date and does not bill the member again
Pending Pause - this chooses a future Pause date and does not bill the member again
Paused - this will pause a membership right away (more info about pausing here)
Bonus Status only used by the System:
Delinquent - this means an automatic payment (ie: monthly membership billing) has failed and the system will attempt to bill the member again. The system attempts to bill a member 4 times before the member is automatically downgraded to a default Community Member, at which point their status will be "Active." You cannot choose the Delinquent status, it is something that is added by the system within the 4-attempt payment cycle. To learn more about billing click here.
In this example, the member was billed on June 1, 2023 (their Renewal Date). According to the Notes, the first 3 payment attempts failed, resulting in the Status Delinquent and Renewal Date remaining June 1, 2023:
The 4th and final payment attempt will be on June 8, 2023.
If the payment is successful, the system will automatically move the member to Status --> Active and Renewal Date --> July 1, 2023.
If the payment fails on this 4th and final attempt, the system will automatically move the member to Status --> Active, Renewal Date --> July 1, 2023, and Membership --> will be downgraded to the default Community Member.
If you're updating the Status of a member, do not forget to scroll to the bottom of the page and Save Changes