Billing & Changes for Members/Users

This document applies to: Coworking & Workplace

Made a change mid-Renewal Date cycle and need to bill your member? Skip to section

Recurring Memberships:

  1. The system will automatically bill the member on their Renewal Date. Their payment will process around the same time of day each month.
  2. Billing for members is spread out throughout the day. 
    Example: All members with a Renewal Date of 3/15 will be billed between 12:01am and 11:59pm on the 15th.
  3. The system will automatically attempt to bill the member four times before the member is downgraded to the default membership at your space (Community Member)
  4. After the first failed payment, the system will attempt to charge the member the next day, three days after that, and the final attempt will be three days after that.
  5. After each failed payment, the invoice will be closed and with each attempt, a new invoice will be generated. You cannot void, remove, or collect payment on a closed invoice.
  6. If you would like to collect payment in between the automatic billing, you will need to change the Status of the member from Delinquent to Active and reset the member's Renewal Date to the day you want them to be charged the next month. You may also Custom Charge the member at this time and update their Renewal Date to a date in the future, and adjust their Status from Delinquent to Active. Setting their Renewal Date to the future ensures that the member is not double billed if you custom charge them.

Please note: 

  • If you change the member's status from Delinquent to Active, the system will not attempt to bill the member again until their next renewal date.
  • If the renewal date is set to the past, the system will automatically attempt to charge the member. When setting a member's status from Delinquent to Active, always change the Renewal Date to a future date. 
  • IMPORTANT: If a member's Payment Source is updated while Status = Delinquent, the system will attempt to process their payment within the hour. It is best to not intervene, but if you do, don't forget to change the Status & Renewal Date so the member is not double charged.
  • If you change the member's status from Pending Cancellation, the system will not bill the member again and downgrade them to the default membership level (often called Community Member) on the cancellation date.
  • The billing cycle days can be different for members whose default payment source is a bank account (ACH). It takes a few days to hear from the bank that a payment has failed and the system will automatically attempt to bill again after getting the payment failure notice from the bank.

Non-Recurring Memberships

The only way to bill members automatically for a non-recurring membership is to assign the membership to the member when you are adding the member to your space (Manage Members > Member List > Add Member) OR have the member sign up for the memberships themselves. Because non-recurring memberships do not have a renewal date, the members will not be billed automatically.

Please note:

  • If you change a member's membership to a non-recurring membership on the backend, the member will not be automatically billed. You can custom charge the member for the non-recurring membership.
  • You can also send a join link to new members from any membership so that they can sign up themselves by navigating to Manage Members > Memberships > Select the membership, scroll to the bottom, and copy & paste the direct Join Link.

Changes Mid-Renewal Date *Very Important*

  • If you change a member's membership on the back end, the member will not be automatically billed (until their next Renewal Date.)
  • The best way to have members sign up for memberships will be to have them sign up for the membership themselves. They can upgrade from your home page, or you can send them a direct join link by navigating to Manage Members > Memberships > Select the membership, scroll to the bottom, and copy & paste the direct join link.
  • If you need to bill/prorate any manual membership changes prior their next Renewal Date, you'll need to charge them by creating a Custom Charge or setting their renewal date to bill at the appropriate time. If you'd like to bill them for the membership today, set the billing date to yesterday and the system will charge them at the top of the hour. 
  • If they are switching memberships, the system will not take into account the amount previously paid for the old membership when charging for the new one.